religious boys

The love of the unattainable is well documented in many pieces of art/literature/cinema/tv/website/blogosphere/tweets/facebook – everyone is well acquainted with the teacher crush, the movie star obsession or the brooding emotionally unavailable average adolescent boy. However, being of the jew comm variety that I am, i have noticed a more recent unattainable craze sweeping the good people of Caulfield;

The religious boy crush


These ‘hot kippah* boys’ drive the secular girls wild. Their torah** loving milkshake brings all the heathen girls to the yard. These boys, so seemingly virtuous and incorruptible are the ultimate unattainable object that every girl needs in her collection. Many a secular girl has lusted after and pursued these boys, with little to moderate success (there will defs be a post about my own experiences with this kippah fever, if you will). In modern society, where secularism is the status quo, these religious fanatics are the new rebels without a cause.

Wooing religious boys demands a creativity beyond the basic pick-up line (yeah…those pick-up lines i employ…so often…when i encounter le men). A secular jewish friend of mine got the number of a hot religo boy by informing him that she knows a girl who makes kippot, so you know…she could hook him up with one (and in the process hook in! booyah!). So ladies, get creative, talk about his local congregation, or maybe the great sermon delivered by rabbi yosef, and then shake them titties and you’ll be set.

Now i hear you say; but I thought religious boys are all ‘no touchy before marriagey’??? To that I say; they are never actually shomer negiah,*** they always say they are but the breast is a very powerful thing. ALSO if they are wearing one of those velvet kippahs, AVOID. They lack both a fashion sense and will be very hard nuts to crack (hehe nuts).

omg. these men are SO hot.

* = skullcap in anglosaxon
** = bible in jewish
*** = no touchey before marriagey in jewish

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3 Responses to “religious boys”

  1. capnguinness Says:

    I always always develop lustful feelings for religious boys, largely of the christian and jewish varieties. it’s a mix of the unattainable and a kind of fascination with faith, as I have so little. never works out though… I have, however, received the old “I want to meet a girl just like you, but (insert faith here).” woo.

  2. Sum Says:

    it’s like when i’m feeling a little bit bend it like beckham. “i hope to marry an indian boy just like him one day”

  3. the horny marxist Says:

    As a secular Jewish guy looking for a nice secular girl, this phenomenon (which i have extensively accounted) is off putting to say the least. Essentially there is no logic to this. Here are three reasons why.
    1. There are plenty of secular guy who are awesome and cool and openly ready to get down and dirty…. None of this pretending to not have sexual encounters. Isn’t that in itself off putting to you young secular ladies. THEY LIE ABOUT SOMETHING THEY SAY MEANS SO, SO MUCH TO THEM BUT THEN ENGAGE IN TOUCHY TOUCHY ANYWAY. ALSO, THEY THINK GOD CARES ABOUT THEIR SEX LIVES… HE DOES NOT
    2. THEY WILL NOT MARRY YOU… I know thats part of the attraction but if you think about it for a second your marriage would be a disaster, YOU WOULD HAVE TO TURN RELIGIOUS (and be kosher)

    3. DO YOU REALLY WANT SOMEONE TO LIKE GOD BETTER THAN HE LIKES YOU, if I was a girl i would want my boyfriend/sexual partner to only worry about me during the intimate periods.


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