Cruisin 4 boyz

Being transport challenged (my bike riding skillz are not great and I don’t have my license), I spend a fair amount of time on public transport. I usually remain blissfully unaware of the people around me and their often questionable activities because I have become addicted to multitasking, so I listen to music while reading, or playing solitaire (WHY IS THAT SHIT SO ADDICTIVE? MY ADDICTION IS GETTING OUT OF HAND, I PLAY IT IN MY SLEEP NOW) or knitting (what? it’s supa alty) or thinking about life n shit. BUT sometimes, this intense immersion in my own world is broken, and this usually occurs when I’m on the train around 3.30ish. That’s right, when the kids finish school.

I find myself checking out high school boys. It’s really not my fault, some of them are quite cute and they look damn hot in their uniforms. There’s nothing quite as sexy as a loosened tie on a white shirt. OMG. Anywayz, so I find myself lustily observing them play on their ps3 thingoes or whatever young people play with these days and then I have a sudden and disturbing realization: I AM NOT 17 ANYMORE. fuck. You see, I am always 17 in my mind, so checking out school boys is totes fine cause they are my age…except I’m actually 21 now. So now it’s just awkward and predatorial.

SEE? I told you high school boys were hot - some tie loosening required though

Listen, I’m not alone. I’ve discussed this phenomenon with other people my age and they experience this same age-dementia. They ALSO check out school boys. So it’s good to know I’m not alone. And I guess its part of lusting after a time when things were simpler, when there was no drought, where I was young and naive because they only want you when you’re 17, when you’re 21, you’re no fun. srsly.

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5 Responses to “Cruisin 4 boyz”

  1. bhakthi Says:

    I LOLed hard. This post is my whole life.

  2. the horny marxists Says:

    Well, this time i must admit that i completely agree with this post. As a horny 21 year old guy, there is nothing like hot girls in school uniform to get me excited, especially the ones who wear the winter short skirts. Yeah it is creepy but if everyone is like that, its normal, its fine, its all good. Just sometimes you must be aware that some of them are CONSIDERABLY YOUNGER, like who just starting high school. But other than that its a healthy habit.

  3. Em Says:

    This post is a complete surprise to me, having never discussed this phenomenon with you ever…

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